V 1.17.3
V 1.17.3- 2024/09/19
- registration form: bugfix selected phase
V 1.17.2- 2024/09/12
- format: bugfix ko conselation phase
- game: show available referees when phaseType is selected
V 1.17.1- 2024/09/12
- format: add options to draw/redraw phase + layout
V 1.17.0- 2024/09/11
- registration: removed group
- registration: add phase registration (unlimited tournament in tournament)
- format: refactor logic from formatDashboard to phase object
- format: create ko, with or without conselation round
V 1.16.4- 2024/09/01
- public ranking view: bugfix layout treeview
V 1.16.3- 2024/08/29
V 1.16.2- 2024/08/10
- games: bugfix ko next game of same round
V 1.16.1- 2024/07/25
- registration: refactor mollie api + add status
V 1.16.0- 2024/07/22
- format: add C phase & support for round robbin of 6
V 1.15.1- 2024/07/22
- format: bugfix same rr in bracket after rr->ko
V 1.15.0- 2024/07/17
- format: refactor rr->ko
- public tournament: add players view
V 1.14.3- 2024/07/08
- registration: display pending state for mollie payments
V 1.14.2- 2024/06/22
- Double tournament: Display team name
V 1.14.1- 2024/05/01
- error handling: layout
- game: bugfix phaseType -> next game of same phase
V 1.14- 2024/05/31
- registration: double tournament (player 2 + team name)
- game: phaseType -> next game of same phase
- game: tooltips on buttons
- modal: layout
V 1.13.6- 2024/05/17
V 1.13.5- 2024/05/17
- format: bugfix grouped AB
V 1.13.4- 2024/05/16
- format: bugfix grouped type
V 1.13.3- 2024/05/16
- game: on result input, check round robin game with assigned playing field, but not yet started
V 1.13.2- 2024/05/16
- registration: add excel template for multiple import
V 1.13.1- 2024/05/13
- registration: add contact info to reminder mail
- format: no empty option on round robin count
- Game: bugfix referee availability on assigning playing field
V 1.13.0- 2024/05/10
- Game: same playing field for each phase item
- Game: start all games at once
- Game: add bulls side ranking
- Game: side rankings are printed on game note
- Game: update referee icon
- Game: bugfix referee availability on assigning playing field
- Tournament: setting for sending game notifications
- Tournament: default settings for new tournament (registration open, sort round robin by games won, game notifications enabled)
V 1.12.2- 2024/05/6
- registration: bugfix status
- tournament: bugfix add user
V 1.12.1- 2024/05/1
- format: dynamic home and away
- registration: handle mollie payment status
V 1.11.2- 2024/04/30
- format: poule 4 home and away
- game: print by playingfield
V 1.10.1- 2024/04/12
- games: bugfix next grouped game
V 1.10 - 2024/04/08
- registration: add mollie support for online payment
- games: bugfix started_at & finished_at values
V 1.9.1 - 2024/04/07
V 1.9 - 2024/03/29
- registration: add group to multiple import
V 1.8.1 - 2024/03/15
- game: bugfix select next game after result
V 1.8 - 2024/03/15
V 1.7 - 2024/02/26
- games: print all games at once
- games: print on A4
V 1.6.1 - 2024/02/14
- games: on result input, select next available game
- games: all not started games with assigned playing field can be moved
- games: move to list takes only games without playing field
- games: move to list removes the selected game
V 1.6.1 - 2024/02/14
- format: RR -> KO player count bugfix
V 1.6.0 - 2024/02/13
- tournament: layout table
- format: winners round bo5
V 1.5.0 - 2024/02/09
- tournament: add links to dashboard
- tournament: add user security
V 1.2.0 - 2024/01/02
- registration: add confirmed count
- games: add auto assign playing field
V 1.1.0 - 2023/12/29
- registration: add payed to multiple import
V 1.0.0 - 2023/12/28
- admin: add user admin
- registration: update mail layout
- registration: add bank account number & contact fields
- format: add AB format